Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plan A is the most basic Medicare Supplement plan available in 2024. Like other Medigap plans, it was created to bridge the financial gaps of Original Medicare and cover some of the out-of-pocket costs that Medicare beneficiaries would have to cover themselves otherwise.

What does Medicare Supplement Plan A cover? 

Medicare Supplement Plan A coverage includes many essential medical costs. People who purchase Plan A can get 100% coverage for: 

  • Part A hospital and coinsurance costs; 
  • Part A coinsurance and copayment for hospice care;
  • Up to three pints during a blood transfusion; 
  • Part B copayment and coinsurance. 

However, Medicare Supplement Plan A benefits do not provide coverage for many costs, including: 

Medigap Plan A also does not have an out of pocket limit.

Why doesn’t Medigap Plan A cover the Part B deductible? 

Medicare Supplement Plan A coverage does not include the Part B deductible since no Medigap plans are allowed to cover those costs since 2020. However, Plan A will cover the Part B copayment and coinsurance when those fees are applicable. In addition, Plan A can help to ease the out-of-pocket burden of much of your Part A and Part B care.

How much does Medicare Supplement Plan A cost? 

The cost of Medicare Supplement Plan A can vary widely depending on where you live. You can use Medicare’s online search tool to see the range of premium costs for the available plans in your area. Premiums can range from less than $100 per month to well over $1,000 in some regions for Plan A; however, Nerdwallet reports that the average premium is between $85-416. Your premium costs can also depend on your age, tobacco use, and other key factors.  

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In addition to your Medigap Plan A premium, you will still be responsible for your Original Medicare Part A and B deductibles and your Part B premium. In 2024, the premium for Medicare Part B will be $174.70. The deductible for Part A will be $1,632, and the deductible for Part B will be $240. 

Finally, Medicare Supplement Plan A benefits do not include any coverage for vision, dental, and hearing care. People with Plan A must pay for these types of care out-of-pocket. 

For more about Medigap plans and to see a side-by-side comparison, check out Hella Health’s Guide to Medigap Plans

Article updated on November 14, 2023.