If you purchase brand-name prescription drugs, you might want to reach for your favorite headache remedy.

A new analysis from Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California, found that 48 out of 49 of the most commonly prescribed name-brand drugs rose in price between January 2012 and December 2017.

The numbers represent a median overall increase of 76%, Quartz noted.

Scripps said it identified 132 drugs in 2017 that met its criteria for exclusion, then focused on the 49 top-sellers based on prescription-level pharmacy claims data from 2012 through 2017 that it obtained from the Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) Axis database.

The numbers represent a median overall increase of 76%
per Quartz

The top-selling branded prescription drugs of 2017 were identified on the basis of total sales above $500 million in the United States or $1 billion worldwide when U.S. sales weren’t broken out.

The top five most prescribed drugs: Synthroid, Crestor, Vyvanse, Lantus, and Nexium. Below is Scripps’ full list of the median costs of top-selling drugs from 2012 to 2017: