What do you take with you into the kitchen, the bathroom, the doctor’s office, the subway and your bed? Your cellphone.

Now, when’s the last time you cleaned your cellphone? Never? Same.

Most people don’t give a second thought to the invisible grime on their phone screen. But it’s about time we start ridding of the filth on our phones.

Your dirty, dirty phone screen

Scientists have found that cellphones carry 10 times more bacteria than most toilet seats. Moreover, your own hands are the main culprit for transporting bacteria and pathogens to your phone. Some of these pathogens (StreptococcusMRSA and E. coli) can pose a serious threat to your health.

It doesn’t stop there: oh no, it gets grosser. According to a study by researchers at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, fecal matter can be found on one out of every six smartphones.

It makes sense, too: Our smartphones have essentially become an extension of our hands so, if we’re advised to wash/sanitize our hands so frequently, why shouldn’t the same go for phones?

About 80% of all infections are transmitted by our hands and, on average, Americans check their phone with those very hands once every 12 minutes.

So what’s the solution?

This is intimidating information, especially in the wake of all the novel coronavirus panic. But, rest assured, there are ways to keep your phone screen as germ-free as you’re (trying) to keep your hands.

If you have an Apple device, here’s a detailed list of how to clean your iPhone, depending on the model. Motorola owners, on the other hand, should opt for a microfiber cloth (like the one you use for your glasses) and a bit of water.

These are specific cleaning methods recommended by the phones’ manufacturers, however, there are also universal cleaning methods for all smartphones. Using a standard microfiber cloth like the one you clean your glasses with should help rid of some surface bacteria. Just remember to steer clear of detergents/cleaning liquids (unless your phone is waterproof). And, again, cleaning your phone once daily should do the trick. If you’re washing your hands frequently (as you should be!), you’ll be protected from the majority of harmful germs.

And, in addition to your cellphone, here are six things you should be sanitizing every day.